Ministry of Christian Education

The major function of the church is to equip people for faithful service through Christian growth. Christian education is the church's primary equipping ministry. The ministry serves to give consistency and cohesiveness to the other church ministries through coordination and training. Also, it can assist our congregation in assessing our current situation and biblically nurturing the congregation for necessary change(s).
Some of the objectives and/or benefits of the Christian education ministry are as follows:
1. To combat spiritual ignorance;
2. To be obedient to God's Word in both the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 6:7) and the New Testament (Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:15; Acts 1:8);
3. To assure believers that our Christianity is not about a feeling, but about a true and living God, and the sacrifice made on the cross by His Son, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins;
4. To produce well-rounded Christians who will faithfully engage in Christian discipleship;
5. To stabilize the membership in its faith;
6. To promote spiritual growth;
7. To promote unity within the church; and,
8. To keep ministries operating within the mission of the church.